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Morundae Cliff

Molundae Cliff

Molundae is the seventh scenic view of Eight Scenic Views of Hwaam so many poets and other tourists visit here again and again. Molundae means 'Clouds also rest here due to wonderful scenery.' It is a vertical cliff made of great rocks. On the peak of the cliff there is a wide rock where about 100 people can stand and enjoy wonderful landscape.

  • Molundae Cliff
  • travelbag

    8 scenic
    Views of Hwaam
    Molundae Cliff

Characteristic: the seventh scenic view of Eight Scenic Views of Hwaam      
Information Use
  • Address: San43-1 Molun-ri Hwaam-myeon Jeongseon-gun Gangwon-do   
  • Phone: +82-1544-9053                
  • Homepage: None
  • Holidays: Open year-round  
  • Hours: Always available
  • Admission fee: Free
  • Charges: Free   
  • Parking: None
  • Parking fees: Free  
  • Recommended Season: All seasons  
  • Nearby Attractions: Gangwonland, Jeongseon Rail Bike, Jeongseon Art Gallery
  • last update: 2016-08-02             
Tourist guide

Going to 250m from the gateway, there is a wide rock where about 100 people can stand. Three pine trees over 500 years old stand with this cliff. Hwang Dong-gyu, a poet who loved this place wrote 《Molundaehaeng》, a poem. The landscape of a river and villages from Molundae gives us peacful rest on our mind. 

Tourist Tips 

Molundae, on the Sogeumgang driving road, is located in Molun-2ri which is so-called 'Clouds Rest village'.