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Jeongseon Arirang 5-day Market

Jeongseon Arirang 5-day Market

The Market has the nostalgia and pure environment of an old Korean Market. If you go to the market, you'll be able to get a sense of original Korean lifestyle. Korea has a very doleful melody called " Jeong Seon Arirang " which originated from this city Jeong Seon. Many people love Jeong Seon because, until the present time, it has retained it's untouched nature. Jeong Seon is proud of natural features it has been blessed with East River, Blue JoYang River, Hwa Am cave and the special scenery known in Korea as " Hwa Am 8 Kyoung ( 8 different locations in the Jeong Seon Area ) "

  • eongseon Arirang 5-day Market
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    Experience & ShoppingJeongseon Arirang
    5-day Market

Characteristic: There are various cultural events such as Jeongseon Arirang performance.
Information Use
  • Address: 39, Bongyang 7-gil, Jeongseon-eup, Jeongseon-gun, Gangwon-do 
  • Phone: 1544-9053
  • Holidays: Opening days is The 2nd, 7th, 12th, 17th, 22th, 27th of every month.
  • Hours: 09:00~18:00 
  • Admission fee: Free 
  • Charges: Free
  • Parking: Parking Allowed
  • Parking fees: Free
  • Recommended Season: All seasons 
  • Nearby Attractions: Hwaam Cave, Ahwooraji River, Jeongseon Rail Bike
  • last update: 2023-06-20