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Hanggol Valley

Hanggol Valley

Located in Buk Pyoung 5 - ri, Buk Pyoung - myoun. Hang Gol Valley is a very special place with Mt. Bak Suk next it and Mt. Sang Won behind it looking like a folding screen. This valley has about 180 stone towers which resemble the once at Mt. Mai spread about the steep mountain slope. There are many types and shapes of stone tower. From the small " Wish " rock piles to Buddhas stone towers. Some are quite elaborate. Some small towers are on " Valley Rock " and along the decked trails. All kinds of wishes are placed in those towers such as " A patient person deserves happiness " and " Happiness after hardship " and son on. Also, there are several totem poles around which gives you a feeling of being in a Shaman Village. In 1998, Mr. Choi Jong Jin suggested making stone towers to attract tourists. That time local people stated making thier own wish towers. While most towns people to a day to build their stone towers some took a month to show their devotion to their wish. When people saw the big beautiful towers of thier neighbors they rebuilt their own towers. It became very competitive. When neighboring towns heard about this, they came and made their own towers, too. Hang Gol is an abandoned mine town. It used to have the " Na Jeon " mining station which closed in the early 90's. Hang Gol has transformed to a new town with a new industry. It's new name is " Dol Tap ( Dol = Stone , Tap = tower ) Village " tourists wish for happiness healthy and money to the towers and make their won little towers like a small rock piles next to the wish towers. Around Mt. Baek Seok Azalea and Royal Azaleas. Also, there are edible greens, sprouts and acorn tress. Mt. Baek Seok has nice hiking trails so lots of hikers visit here in the spring and fall.

  • Hanggol Valley
  • camping

    Camp & ValleyHanggol Valley

Characteristic: It is transformed into a new sightseeing spot with the nickname 'Doltap Village'
Information Use
  • Address: San1, Bukpyeong-ri Bukpyeong-myeon Jeongseon-gun Gangwon-do
  • Phone: +82-1544-9053
  • Homepage: None
  • Holidays: Open year-round
  • Hours: Always available
  • Admission fee: Free
  • Charges: camping 15,000~30,000 won
  • Parking: Free
  • Parking fees: 500~4,000won
  • Recommended Season: Four seasons
  • Nearby Attractions: Arari Puppet House, Nan Hyang-rowon, Najeon Station
  • last update: 2017-09-01